PatrickBURNETTA funeral service for Mr Patrick John Burnett (79) of Immingham, who passed away on 11th June 2019, was conducted by Reverend Katie Deakins at Grimsby Crematorium on Wednesday 3rd July 2019. Family mourners attending: Marlene, wife, Yvette, daughter, Michelle, daughter, David, grandson, Lassie Sherlock (also rep. Mr. R. Sherlock, brother-in-law), sister, Mr. & Mrs. W. Sleight (also rep. Mr. & Mrs. S. Broughton, niece & husband), sister & brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. M. West (also rep. Mr. S. West & Paula, nephew & partner), brother-in-law & sister-in-law), Mandy Oxborough, niece, Lesley, niece, Miss D. Champion, niece, Mrs. L. Young, niece, Mr. D. Champion, nephew Mr. G. Beckitt & Ms. M. Forman, nephew & partner, Mr. P. Champion, nephew, Miss A. Beckitt, great-niece, Mr. & Mrs. R. Mortlock, cousin, Mr. & Mrs. I. Scott, cousin, Mrs. H. Goodman, cousin Mr. & Mrs. P. Lee, cousin Others attending included: Mr. P. Borman (also rep. Ship Stores & Sally, Claire, Adam, Finley & George Herd), Mr. G. Preston (also rep. Mrs. V. Preston & Family), Mr. & Mrs. D. Allen Funeral arrangements were by H & HJ Huteson & Sons of Barton-upon-Humber, Immingham & Winterton.
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